Wooden Pain Relief Rope


Your ticket to soothing aches and pains across your body. Crafted from high-quality beech wood, this versatile wooden pain relief rope is designed to provide a deep tissue massage experience. As you role the massager over tender muscles you'll experience a relaxing massage, reduce fatigue and increase flexibility. Perfect for soothing daily discomfort in your back, neck, waist, shoulders and feet. The benefits of a wood roller massage go beyond muscle tension relaxation, to promoting lymphatic drainage for optimal health and energy. Made from beech wood with strong, smooth-rolling rods. 6 2/3"L x 4"W x 2 3/4"H.
  • Wood pain relief roller
  • Muscle tension relaxation tool
  • Promotes lymphatic system health
  • 100% beech wood
  • 6 2/3"L x 4"W x 2 3/4"H
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