Wide Butter/Cream Cheese Keeper by Chef's Pride™


This Wide Butter/Cream Cheese Keeper stores and serves large portions of butter or a single wedge of cream cheese. Holds 1 European-style wide stick of butter or two 4-oz. sticks of butter, and it also holds one 8-oz. block of cream cheese. A removable slicing guide makes it easy to cut perfect proportions. Durable, BPA-free plastic. Dishwasher safe. 6 1/2"L x 3 3/4"W x 2"H. By Chef's Pride™.
This item is not eligible for additional discounts at the order level.
  • Holds one European-style wide stick of butter or two 4-oz. sticks of butter
  • Also holds one 8-oz. block of cream cheese
  • Helps you slice precisely with a slicing guide insert
  • Exclusively designed by Chef's Pride
  • Durable, BPA-free plastic is dishwasher safe
  • 6 1/2" long x 3 3/4" wide x 2" high butter holder
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