Watering Can Extension Spout


Make your watering can work harder for you so you can spend more time enjoying the outdoors. Water your plants and flowers in significantly less time with this clever watering can extension spout that connects to the end of most standard watering cans. Unfold it to effortlessly water a wider swath—nearly a foot—then fold it back up for easy storage. The versatile gardening equipment allows you to water plants in hard-to-reach places and cover a lot of ground quickly. Made from PP. 11"L x 4 4/8"W x 1 6/8"H.
  • Water your plants and flowers in significantly less time
  • Connects to the end of most standard watering cans
  • Fold it back up for easy storage
  • Made from PP
  • 11" long x 4 4/8" wide x 1 6/8" high
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