Terrasil® Diabetic's Ulcer & Bed Sore Relief


A powerful boost for your body's natural healing process. Terrasil® Diabetic's Ulcer & Bed Sore Relief reduces the risk of infection on a covered wound, promoting your body's natural ability to heal. The unique blend of natural ingredients soothes itching and soreness, while calming discomfort and redness. When applying this gentle yet effective formula, most users will see noticeable improvement in just 2 days. Formulated with allantoin 0.6% as the active ingredient, along with a carefully selected blend of natural or organic ingredients including beeswax, calendula extract, coconut oil extract, comfrey extract and more. This natural wound healing ointment your go-to solution for minimizing scarring and promoting healing. Made in USA.
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  • Diabetic ulcer relief
  • Natural antiseptic ointment
  • Contains allantoin 0.6%
  • Made in USA
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