Skin-Firming Chin Masks by Beautyful™, Set of 2


Redefine your jawline with this set of Skin-Firming Chin Masks. Specially formulated with hyaluronic acid and collagen to target the delicate skin around your chin and jawline. Helps tighten, tone and lift aging skin under the chin for a more sculpted appearance. The nourishing ingredients deeply hydrate and plump your skin, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Perfect for people concerned with sagging skin, loss of elasticity, a less defined jawline and dry or crepey skin. You'll notice a visible improvement in skin texture and firmness, leaving your jawline looking younger and more defined. Easy-to-use beauty mask loops over the ears to stay in place. Set of 2 skin masks. By Beautyful™.
  • Hyaluronic acid and collagen face mask
  • Targets the skin under the chin and jawline
  • Tightens, tones and lifts aging skin
  • Restores moisture and improves skin hydration
  • Easy-to-wear design simple loops over the ears
  • Set of 2 beauty masks
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