Quick Cut Stick-On Cutter


Place this Quick Cut Stick-On Cutter on any wall or flat surface of your home, office or garage for a quick, efficient cutter that's always "parked" in the same spot! No more searching for lost scissors when this Quick Cut craft cutter is conveniently on hand to cut thread, string, twine, clothing tags, ribbon, fishing line and more. Simply peel of the adhesive on back and press onto any wall or smooth surface like cabinet, door or inside tool box, tackle box, sewing box. Its safe design features a blade hidden between panels … so just slide what needs cutting into the slot and pull down for a quick, precise cut! At this low price, it's easy to stick one in every room! Plastic, metal. Approx. 3"L x 1 1/2"W.
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  • Place this Quick Cut Stick-On Cutter on any wall or flat surface of your home, office or garage for a quick, efficient cutter that's always "parked" in the same spot
  • No more searching for lost scissors when this Quick Cut craft cutter is conveniently on hand to cut thread, string, twine, clothing tags, ribbon, fishing line and more
  • Simply peel of the adhesive on back and press onto any wall or smooth surface like cabinet, door or inside tool box, tackle box, sewing box
  • Its safe design features a blade hidden between panels … so just slide what needs cutting into the slot and pull down for a quick, precise cut
  • Approx. 3" long x 1 1/2" wide plastic, metal cutter
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