Microwave Chicken Egg Boiler


No more guessing how long to boil eggs. This helpful hen has it down to a science and works without putting a pot on the stove. Just fill base with water and place up to 4 eggs in the perforated aluminum insert. Then microwave according to the included instructions to achieve soft, medium or hard eggs. And enjoy eggs-actly right results for breakfast, salads and so on. Dishwasher-safe microwave egg boiler even makes a charming countertop decoration between uses. Polypropylene and aluminum. 6"H x 5" dia.
  • No more guessing how long to boil eggs
  • Cook up to 4 eggs at once
  • Includes instructions for soft, medium or hard eggs
  • Dishwasher-safe polypropylene and aluminum
  • 6"H x 5" dia.
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