LivingSURE™ Copper Compression Elbow Support


Reliable relief for arthritis, bursitis, tennis elbow, golfer's elbow and more. The ultimate support for your elbow, this copper compression elbow support provides reliable relief as you go about your day. Copper is embedded directly into the fabric to maintain strong and consistent compression. Breathable design supports blood circulation while safeguarding against further injuries. 70% bamboo charcoal fiber, 20% copper thread and 10% elastane. Choose size: SM/ME (5 1/2" x 4 3/4" x 9 7/8") or LA/XL (6 1/3" x 5 1/2" x 9 7/8").
  • Copper elbow sleeve
  • Available in S/M or L/XL
  • S/M measures 5 1/2" x 4 3/4" x 9 7/8", L/XL measures 6 1/3" x 5 1/2" x 9 7/8"
  • 70% bamboo charcoal fiber, 20% copper thread, 10% elastane
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