Eczema and Psoriasis Relief Soap


Enjoy natural relief from the symptoms of chronic eczema and psoriasis. This handcrafted therapeutic soap is made with safe botanicals and essential oils to calm itchiness and irritation. Made with noni, an herb known for its anti-inflammatory properties, plus bentonite clay and organic oat bran to draw irritants and toxins from the skin. Also contains anti-itch Sassafras root bark, White Willow and other naturally soothing and moisturizing plant extracts. Made in the USA.
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  • All-natural homeopathic soap formula provides itch and rash relief
  • Designed specifically for people suffering from eczema or psoriasis
  • Anti-inflammatory noni fruit soothes irritation
  • European bentonite clay and organic oat bran calm inflammation and gently cleanse
  • Essential oil infused glycerin base moisturizes and nourishes skin
  • 2.9 oz. for topical use only
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